Our work with SEND pupils
The Norfolk School Games provides alternative and sometimes adapted sports and physical education provision for pupils with specific learning or physical needs.
The aim of our programme is to engage with every pupil in all educational settings, to be fully inclusive and to provide opportunities for all.
As such Youth Inclusion Lead, Iain Mills and School Games Organisers co-design a series of opportunities for children across our county to access the benefits of meaningful physical activity.
The Panathlon events we host provide young disabled people in special schools, mainstream SEN units and classes with sporting opportunities to increase their personal skills and social interaction.
Panathlon activities include multisport, swimming, boccia, football, ten-pin bowling and cricket.
Panathlon Multisport for secondary age disabled young people comprises six sports with NGB rules and with some adapted rules specific to appropriate impairment groups – certified adaption.
SEND contacts:
To ensure the Norfolk School Games continues to evolve its provision and offer inclusive sporting opportunities for all pupils, we have set up a SEND working group. We collaborate with Dr Annie Clements, Founder of Autism & ADHD and are open to hearing from other organisations with an interest in ensuring the physical activity provision for children in Norfolk is as inclusive as possible.
If you would like any further information or have any ideas to contribute towards this focus group please contact:
Name | Position | |
Gemma Wright | Project Officer – Children & Young People, Active Norfolk | gemma.wright@activenorfolk.org
Iain Mills | Youths Sport Trust Inclusion Lead | iain.mills@parksidemail.co.uk
Stuart Silvester | School Games Organiser | stuart.silvester@attrust.org.uk
Events and experiences:
At county level we will continue to evolve inclusive opportunities for the SEND community. Here are a couple of highlights from this academic year which included SEND Festival and our first Inclusive Leadership Day:

SEND Festival – February 2024
This event took place at the UEA Sportspark in February and was a huge success, with over 125 children from 11 different schools taking part in a range of activities. These included circus skills, boxing, football, tennis and more!
Sport Leaders Shine
On Tuesday 12th March Iain Mills led a Youth Sports Trust Inclusive Sports Leadership Day at the Sports Park. This included 65 children and young people (CYP) from the county from a combination of mainstream and complex needs schools. Those involved learnt about the STEP principle in order to adapt any activity to make it accessible to all. We were lucky enough to have Sophie McKinna (Olympic Shot Put Athlete for Great Britain) joint lead the event and we saw her perform an indoor shot put in front of us! Jamie and Kyan from Parkside were Young Role Models and helped Iain and Sophie to teach the children and young people about leadership.