
Have you entered the virtual school games?

As we enter another lockdown, it’s more important now than ever to ensure that children are receiving the recommended amount of exercise. During the last lockdown, it was reported that the number of children who said they were doing the recommended 60 minutes of activity a day had dropped from 47% to 29%.

Pupils have missed out on the opportunity to take part in PE lessons and school sports events which is why we have redesigned the Norfolk School Games offer to still enable children to take part and keep the spirit of the Games alive.


Each of the school games competitions has been designed to focus on rewarding whole classes for working together to achieve their best overall score. There are a range of challenges for both primary and secondary schools and schools can choose which competition to take part in. There is a resource card available to explain each competition as well as a video demonstration. You can access the competitions here

Results will be shared on the Norfolk School Games website.

How to enter

To enter a competition all you need to do is head to and click on ‘enter’ for the competition you are entering. Results should be submitted by school staff and you have until the 11th December to submit your entries.

We love to see your photo and video entries and you can tag us on our social media channels to show us how you are getting on. For Twitter use @norfolkschgames and for Facebook post directly onto the Norfolk School Games page. Please remember to follow your school’s photo/video consent policy.

If you have any questions you can contact your local school games organiser here