
2015 Norfolk Winter School Games Finals – Day 6 Report

The final Day of the 2015 Norfolk Winter School Games was held at the UEA Sportspark and was a fitting end to an incredible week! The day kicked off with an impressive opening ceremony which included guest speakers; Sophie McKinna (GB Shot Putter, Commonwealth Games Finalist) and Chrisy Wellington (4 x World Iron Man Triathlon Champion). The young athletes were also shown a highlights video of last years Winter Games Finals to inspire then to do their best. The final day included the largest number of events of any day in the 2015 Winter Games.

Gymnastics Finals

The youngest participants in the day were the young gymnastics taking part in the Yr 1-2 & 3-4 Key Steps Gymnastics competition. The event benefitted from being held in the Sportsparks incredible Spring Gymnastics Centre. The event was split into two age groups; Years 1-2 (Key Steps 1) and Years 3-4 (Key Steps 2) and pupils competed in teams on behalf of their School Sport Partnership (SSP).

The final results were;

Key Steps 1

1st – South Norfolk SSP

2nd – East Norfolk SSP

3rd – Norwich East SSP

Key Steps 2

1st – South Norfolk SSP

2nd – West Norfolk SSP

3rd – East Norfolk SSP

For a full list of results for the Gymnastics Finals please click here

Basketball Finals

Meanwhile, down the corridor, the Yr 4-6 Basketball Finals were happening. One team from each SSP had qualified to represent their local area. Teams were split into two groups who played each other in a round robin format. The winners of each group then played each other to decide who was 1st/2nd, the second place finishers in each group played for 3rd/4th overall etc.

The headline results were;

1st – Norwich SSP

2nd – West Norfolk SSP

3rd – Norwich East SSP

For a full breakdown of the final standings please click here.

Indoor Rowing Finals

Teams of indoor rowers (3 boys and 3 girls in each year group) were also competing on the final day of the Games. Rowers were challenged to compete in individual time trials where they had to row as far as possible in a set time. The times for each group were;

Year 7 = 2 mins

Year 8 (Boys & Girls) = 3 mins

Year 9 (Boys & Girls) = 4 mins

Year 10 (Boys & Girls) = 5 mins

Rowers in Years 7&8 and 9&10 also teamed up to take part in a team relay where the six pupils raced to complete 2000m the fastest. All of the performances in both the individual and team events were added together to give an overall team result. The top three SSPs were;

1st – South Norfolk SSP

2nd – West Norfolk SSP

3rd – North Norfolk SSP

To view the full overall results click here or to see the individual results for each race click here.

Table Tennis Finals

In the Table Tennis Finals two teams (A & B) of 4 pupils from Each SSP competed in a singles competition. Each player was ranked 1-4 within their team and matches were played between the same ranked players in each of the 8 other SSP teams. The results for each of these matches was added together to give an overall result.

The headline results were;

A Team Competition

1st – South Norfolk SSP A

2nd – West Norfolk SSP A

3rd – West Norwich & Dereham SSP A

B Team Competition

1st – West Norfolk SSP B

2nd – South Norfolk SSP B

3rd – North Norfolk SSP B

Click here for the full results breakdown.

Sportshall Athletics Finals

Day 6 saw teams of athletes from Primary Schools have their chance to represent their SSP in a sportshall athletics competition at the Games. The previous day had seen hundreds of pupils from Yr 7-8 taking part but today saw pupils in from Yr 4-6 have their opportunity.

The final day of the Games saw two separate competitions held. The first was for pupils in Yrs 4-6 who attend a small school (a school with <125 pupils) and the second was for pupils in Years 5-6 who go to a big school  (a school with >125 pupils). The results of each competition were as below;

Yr 4-6 Small Schools Competition

1st – Norwich East SSP

2nd – South Norfolk SSP

3rd – East Norfolk SSP

For a full breakdown of results for the Small Schools Sportshall Athletics Finals please click here.

Yr 5-6 Big School Competition

1st – East Norfolk SSP

2nd – West Norwich & Dereham SSP

3rd – South Norfolk SSP

For a full breakdown of results for the Big Schools Sportshall Athletics Finals please click here.

To view photos of all of the events included on Day 6 of the Games please click here. Throughout the week we have also had a film crew recording all of the action from the 2015 Norfolk Winter School Games. The final film will be finished during the week following the Games and will be posted to the Norfolk School Games YouTube channel.