
Norfolk Winter School Games – Day 3

Day 3 of the Games moved from the windy and cold sports fields of North Norfolk to the warm indoor facilities of the UEA Sportspark in Norwich. The day saw over 600 pupils taking part in two swimming galas as well as a multi sports Playground2Podium festival aimed specifically at pupils with special educational needs or a disability (SEND).

The swimming galas were run in partnership with the UEA City of Norwich Swimming Club with the support of the UEA Swimming Club. The event kicked off with a gala for the secondary school pupils in the morning and was followed by a gala for Primary School aged pupils in the afternoon.

The event benefitted from having qualified swimming officials from UEA City of Norwich as well as a touch pad timing system which made the event feel extra special for the pupils taking part.

To view the overall results from each gala, please click on the below link;

Yr 7-9 Swimming Gala – results

 Yr 4-6 Swimming Gala – results

During the day other pupils were given the chance to take part in a Playground2Podium festival which included a carousel ofactivities inc table tennis, goalball, boccia, sitting volleyball and tennis. The pupils were also given the opportunity to meet the Breat Britain Sitting Volleyball Captain Rob Ricco.

Stephen Hulme, County School Games Organisor from Active Norfolk said;

“We have had another great day today with a really great range activities for young people. It was great to see so many pupils having the opportunity to represent their local school sport partnership in such a professional looking swimming gala. We are also really excited about the success of the Playground2Podium festival which engaged hundreds of pupils from across the county”.

Day 4 of the Games will see events move to Diss Rugby club where Yr 5/6 pupils from across the county will take part in a tag rugby competition. The event will also include a specific tag rugby competition for small schools which is aimed at providing taregted opportunities for schools with less than 125 pupils.